Tuesday 19 November 2013

A Cheeky Update

Now I realise that it's been a while since I last posted a blog entry and I do apologise to the regular readers (of which there are, according to "Blog Stats": 2,845 ) this is because I have been incredibly busy. Double busy.

Now if anyone follows my Twitter (@iTomHanson) you will see that I have regularly been tweeting about meetings/trips to London and also investment banking. So many people have been asking me about my goings on over the last 2 months and I'll be honest I forget what I have said and haven't...so I thought I'd round up what's gone on since last time I blogged.

In September I was successful in my application to be selected (alongside 35 other cool people that I now consider my Stonewall Family or #StonewallFam) to attend the Stonewall Talent Programme. I had an amazing 3 days in London, and only 2 of those I had a hangover from the alarmingly cheap drinks at G-A-Y and Heaven. After the course I then went to Oxford a few days, then Gloucestershire and then finally coming home after which was a well travelled week.

In October we were all invited back down to London to attend the Stonewall Talent Programme Reunion and also launch of the Stonewall Starting Out Guide. That day was one of the best in the whole of October for me. When I attended the Talent Programme in September everyone was slightly wary of what to say and how to be among everyone else, however at the reunion it was completely different. It was like walking back into a room of old friends I'd known for years. I don't think I stopped smiling all day. The event was hosted at the London offices of Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Canary Wharf. Oh my goodness. What an amazing place it is, the sheer size and the atmosphere when you're there. It's electric.

We walked into the atrium of BAML, immediately it hits you how powerful this building is. The marble, the leather, the sheer size of everything. The money. Walking into the conference room and seeing the other Talent guys and people from Stonewall immediately put the biggest smile on my face. It was amazing to see everyone again and hear about what had gone on since we saw each other a month before. The achievements, the successes and also hearing about what they had done day to day in such a short space of time, was incredible. That evening it was the launch of the Stonewall Starting Out Guide, a national directory book of LGBT friendly companies. I count myself incredibly lucky that I was able to hear from a number of inspiring speakers and their stories of gay employment. This time the wine was bang on marvellous!

After the launch it was more drinking wine and chatting to everyone invited. I love networking and talking to people at these formal occasions and, of course, I'd come prepared! Everyone I gave my card to was staggered I was that prepared. During the evening I spoke to a man from a major Investment Bank in Canary Wharf, it turned out we are both runners which gave us both a laugh and conversation. I gave him my card and he gave me his. It turns out that might have been the best exchange of cards ever.

From emailing him over the last month, having met for a coffee and contacting other individuals I've met and then meeting them, I have been selected 4 times for all expenses paid courses in London, each time run by different banks and career organisations. I was invited back down to London last week and then later this month again. There's an open invite for a week long course in Paris in January aswell that I'd love to go to. It's been a few years since I was last in Paris, I can remember my favourite coffee shop just off the Champs-Elysees and if I'm there in a few months I'll be going back! The latest invitation is of a game of golf at a club in Surrey in the new year, the only problem is I haven't played in 2 years. I could lose gracefully I suppose.  The phrase "mind blowing" seems relevant.

Two weeks ago I yet again travelled South, this time for a course hosted at the stunning offices of J.P.Morgan. Touring the city in the morning was one of the best experiences I've ever had! I got to cycle a rickshaw down Regent Street, Penny Board down Hyde Park and then Cycled on a boris bike all the way down Oxford St to Soho among other adventures. All the time in a suit, it was only when I stopped I remembered how much it cost and then suddenly felt sick from the thought. I bought a particularly fantastic pocket square from Saville Row on my travels aswell.

I posted a picture on my Twitter of the JPM logo and a caption, my phone didn't stop buzzing as people were asking me why I was there and how impressive it looked, to those of you who I Snapchatted the wine rooms and the seemingly endless panoramic photos from the rooftop balconies, I do apologise.
I was sent the link for the event on Monday, I applied that night, received my confirmation Tuesday morning, went down to London on the Wednesday. My application form must have been pretty damn good.
During the course we heard from a number of employees at the banks, Stonewall Deputy Chief Exec: Ruth Hunt who is always a treat to listen to, a discussion panel hosted by my contact at CS and then afterwards a cocktail and wine party. The wine was yet again amazing with some very snazzy canapes, I have a feeling they might have been foie gras. I also got to meet some incredible people in the employees from the banks, but also a lot of great friends that I'm definitely going to keep in contact with for a long time.

I've come away from London this time with yet more contacts, a slight hangover the next day, endless freebies and corporate gifts and offers of hospitality when I'm next in London (one of which involves a tour of Credit Suisse and a meal at a very famous London hotel), but I've also come away with a few offers of both graduate placement jobs and also opportunities for a placement year in September 2014.
It's safe to say that from the Stonewall Talent Programme I have gained an incredible amount and I am forever grateful to those who have supported me and given the opportunities that have lead me to where I am now. Oh yeah I've also ran a 1hr 37mins Half Marathon within the month.

A pretty productive month!

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