Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Problems We Face And Google

Every single day we face problems of our own and often we go about them with no real announcement of them and hence they can sometimes lead to further problems, which along with the original problem can make the situation and experience all that more challenging and difficult. One aspect I was reminded of this morning from the news, is that of Postnatal depression (female readers here), you experience a roller-coaster of emotions for 9 months of your pregnancy, the massive highs of giving birth to your child that you have dreamed of for such a long time, but then experience such lows after such highs. 
I fully empathise with anybody that experiences any form of depression. You look at life and see that we only live for maybe 80/90 years, it's when you look at it like that you realise that life is short and why must we waste time crying? I'm currently 19, I've already experienced nearly 1/5 of my life, and with those years so much has been already decided for me and yet I'm still to live so much more.
Everyone has problems that they are living with. It's only the strong and shrewd that can hide these feelings away from others and portray an almost perfect life where these problems that might cripple others, just seem to be an inconvenience to them, if that at all.

Now while we face things that can be pretty important and upsetting, you also face the occasional issue where it can be comical but also peculiar. My most recent such problem is as follows.

Google makes money from allowing companies to place advertisements on webpages, from this they take money from the companies. If you happen to see an advert you like and click on it, then Google takes more money. Now for this to happen more often, Google offers to suit the adverts to the viewer.
However Google doesn't seem to want to bother with me. 

"Meet Single Horny Girls in Yorkshire. Click Here To Join"

This must be the most common advert that is presented to me, or others that are very similar. Now while I can see that this advert or others of this type are more commonly used compared to ones that have a homosexual theme, I still think that it would be nice for a simple thing such as an advert on Google to at least get it right, or at least for me. I certainly have no idea why Google thinks I'm straight. No terms ever searched on my computer suggest this. I feel that if Google stalked me half as well as I thought it did, then surely I wouldn't be faced with this problem.
It can be embarrassing when friends look at my laptop and see that I'm being offered the finest images of women that claim to be 0.5 miles away, with them knowing that I'd rather vomit than even engage in anything more than a handshake. I mean do I not scream GAY to you? Or at least "snappy dressing-attractive-dapper-debonair-GAY"? Well maybe.

From this I wonder whether I have to come out as being gay to Google itself. Should I compose an email to Larry and Sergey? Announcing that whilst I feel privileged to receive such a wide array of attractive women when searching for bike parts, I do not feel that they are completely utilising their resources in researching my Internet searches, to benefit their company financially.

I just feel that if Google was to offer me a more considered and appropriate occasional advert, and it was more personalised then I might not feel let down and saddened by what they have to offer me.

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